Once again I fall under the curse of picking with my heart and not my head. The boys in Las Vegas seem to think that Bama will win by at lesat 2 touchdowns. Which, you would think I would be all over,(if I was a betting man) but I would not touch it with a 10 foot poll given our teams Jr. High defense. However, due to circumstances out of my control I can not force myself to predict anything other than a Hog victory, even in spite of the past two pitiful performances. I am now thoroughly convinvced that there are numerous high school teams that could score on Arkansas's defense with ease. Thus I believe Brodie Croyle will light us up for a good 450+ yards and at least 3 TD's. That is assuming he does not injure himself on the way to the game. Once the game starts there will be no threat of injury since under no circumstances does Arkansas have the ability to knock down a quareterback, or God forbid sack one. Still in spite of all this I am counting on Houston, Felix, MCfadden, R. Johnson, Monk, and company to realize they have to put up a ton of points. Which I am sure they will and glory and expectations of an sec championship will return. WOOO PIG SOOOOOIE!!!
Shut up Whaley! You are so Maumellean. And a deuche. John knows what he is talking about and i always have to pick blind loyality over reality any day!!!
Oh Hog Son you make Hog Dad and Hog Mom soooooo Hog proud. The Hog apple truly does not fall far from the Hog tree. We too exude Hog pride and predict a turnaround this weekend. After all it's the Nutt history after being slamed to slam back with all His Hog mite. Hogs 42 Bama 27. Hog defense shows up!
the hogs suck
Hi John and Leslie-
Man! There sure is a lot of football talk around here! Looks like you two have also been struck by the "anonymous" person. Ooooohhhh...! Whatever. The hogs are from Arkansas. Arkansas is good. Therefore, hogs are good. Even though I don't really pay attention.
PS- The CLS falcons are thus far UNDEFEATED in football... much like a time loooong ago. :)
I am still waiting on a Banner to comemorate the outstanding athletic feats of the Class of 1995. UNDEFEATED champions in Football and tournament champions in basketball. It is very likely this will never be acomplished by a CLS class again, EVER!!!
Uhhhh actually, it was accomplished last year. Maybe my first year too. I can't remember. Needless to say, perhaps you fellas changed the CLS losing streak to an undefeated streak. You brought them luck for prosperity or something??
Hey- remember when "Big Matt Price!" was on the news on Kid Cam? Ha, ha, ha.
Is there seriously a banner at CLS? BEcause I was never invited back for the unveiling ceremony? The CLS Bulldogs Team of 1995 will probably go down as the best team that ever graced the halls of CLS. I still remember when JOhn Robus got an interception, I cried.
You guys support your hogs no matter what - it will pay off one day. Look at the true blue Vandy fans. It may be short lived but it is fun while it last
hello!! from Bryan and Amber! Rach and Jeremy told us about your blog and we wanted to check it out. We miss you guys alot. We need to get together sometime. Give us a call if you're going to be around here anytime soon! Love ya!
Bryan and Amber
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