This is the cat that has adopted us kind of. He showed up at our door Monday night and has been around ever since. We have made posters and will post them around the neighborhood to see if the owner calls, but if not...we now have a cat. He is very well behaved and pretty. We will keep you posted on what happens. : ) If you ask me I think John has already gotten a little attached to him.
uh oh! you need to start picking out kitty names. let the suggestions begin.
he is sooo cute.. definately keep him!!! that is so wierd that we both found cats .. do you want 2??? your cat will need a friend!!!
Robus, I am warning you, that cat is gonna have some weird feline disease, and you are going to get infected. If you end up with syphillis or sickle cell, don't come crying to me.
Shut up Ty
Leah Anderson needs to shut her dirty mouth. Ty is a pillar of the community, and he should not be disrespected like that. If she wants to badmouth him, she should do it to his face. We all plan to find her and punch her in the brain for her rude comments about our brother.
P.S. This blog is gay and it blows.
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