About Me

- Leslie Robus
- I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.
Am I the Only one?
I know this sounds weird and crazy but I just have to know if it is only me, or if happens to the rest of you as well. Anytime I am reading someone else's blog or someone's posts on a blog and I know the person I hear their voice in my head. For instance if Mike Whaley tells me this post is retarded I will hear his voice in my head as I read his words. It happens with everyone I know, even if I have not talked to them in years. Is this me or do the rest of you do this as well. Tell me I am not a psycho.
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i think that 's funny. i haven't thought abt. it, but now that i am typing i hear my voice in my head so i bet i hear others too..
I think that John is crazy. When I read I hear myself reading it. Does that make sense?
it's just because you miss us so much, john.
I do that too! Except I even take it up a notch and imagine them typing their response. Are they laughing? Or shaking their head in disbelief? Do they look bored at work?
Obviously I put too much thought into this blog thing.
I actually CAN see all of you as I read posts. Scary huh?
I agree with Leslie...you must be crazy. I only here my own voice.
I will try to go off on tangents more often.
Greg and I were looking at the blog and we realized that we have never seen your apartment. How about a little virtual tour? Give us some photos or something. We want to see how you live now as opposed to Deusner 6. Make sure and take a picture of the huge pile of trash in the kitchen corner. You do still have that, right?
Will do Ty. You know Leslie would not condone a pile of trash in her kitchen. In Deusner 6 it was all Oshel's trash anyway. His Liter's of Dr. Pepper and Bags of Gummies!!!
Ok, speaking of Oshel, have you heard that new commercial for the Reese's Cookies? That song was written by Matt Oshel. Oshel, if you are reading this, don't even deny it. If you haven't heard the song, it's set to the tune of "I want candy," but instead it says "IIIIIIIIIII want cooooooookies!.............IIIIIIIIIIII want Reeeeeeeeses!" I can totally see him walking to class singing it under his breath. Or maybe "IIIIIIIIIIII want guuuuuuumies...."
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