About Me

- Leslie Robus
- I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.
Saying Good Bye

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Mikey...I just can't find it in me to give up my ticket. You know that I am now a Cardinals fan too and the last regular season series in the current stadium...too big to miss. You are a great friend, but you can't go!!! That is unless you can talk Johnny out of his ticket ;)
you are making this wretched yankee wife very very home sick..
i can't lie.. i might have just teared up a bit for the stadium.... that i have been going to games in since before i could walk... =(
it is a sad day/weekend in stl baseball history! i can't wait to see pics! say hi to my parents if you happen to run into them.. ha!
Robus, I hope you did your duty as a righteous, upstanding person and BOOED THE CRAP out of Mark McLiar yesterday. What a loser that guy is. I saw on Sportscenter where everyone in the stadium was cheering him, but that was just ridiculous. He is a total disgrace to a great franchise, and he continues to be one. I used to like that guy, but I have lost all respect for him, and he deserves to have batteries and beer bottles thrown at him whenever he comes onto the field. I mean, does he not get it? There is not one person in America with a post-Kindergarten education that truly believes that he wasn't sprinkling steroids on his Cheerios every morning. Surely he has some people in his life (wife, agent, friends, etc.) who have told him, "Hey man, maybe you should just man up and admit it because right now everyone on the planet thinks you are a pathetic excuse for a human being." Remember how he vowed before Congress to lead a crusade against steroids in the future? Well it turns out that 'ol Mark has really stepped up to the plate with regard to that promise. I heard on ESPN yesterday that he has donated $30,000 of his own money to the cause! I think we should all give him a standing ovation for that huge contribution. Especially since his 2001 salary from the Cardinals was $11,000,000. That's right, eleven million dollars. And in 2001, Mark only had 299 at-bats. That works out to almost $37,000 per at-bat. He only started 87 games that year, so it averages out to over $126,000 per game started. What a massive contribution. Thanks for donating less than your ONE GAME SALARY. Of course, I am sure that he is saving up a lot of money for all the treatments he is going to need to fight the various ailments that will plague his body due to all those steroids he doesn't want to talk about. Robus, on second thought, it's ok if you didn't boo, just please don't tell me that you cheered for that bum.
I did neither I because I did not even watch the game friday night. Too be honest I don't know what I would have done friday night. I am pretty torn because I truly thought he was innocent until congress. I know he took andro and other stuff that was legal and over the counter but I didn't think illegal steroids but now I am 95% positive that he did. There is still that little bit of me with hope. I think the reason he was cheered though was he did so much for this city during his playing days on and off the field. I probably would have sat on my hands and done nothing had I been at the game. On a similar note how the crap is Barry Bonds still playing and receiving standing ovations. Not only is he completely juiced (but he didn't know it was steroids) but he has never done anything nice for anyone in his entire life. I know you hate McGwire but please tell me you hate Barry more.
YEs, I hate Barry Bonds ten times more.
Are you guys going to any of the playoff games? I'm very, very, very tempted to drive there b/c I love me some Ryan Klesko and this is my chance to see him! If you guys think you might go, let me know and I'll buy in on a ticket. If you're not, then I'm high-tailing it to Hotlanta =]
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