About Me

- Leslie Robus
- I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.
Saying Good Bye

Am I the Only one?
I know this sounds weird and crazy but I just have to know if it is only me, or if happens to the rest of you as well. Anytime I am reading someone else's blog or someone's posts on a blog and I know the person I hear their voice in my head. For instance if Mike Whaley tells me this post is retarded I will hear his voice in my head as I read his words. It happens with everyone I know, even if I have not talked to them in years. Is this me or do the rest of you do this as well. Tell me I am not a psycho.
Well it is official...
The cat has stayed around, and John has named it Jonesy. Yes that is right, my Hog loving husband has named our cat after none other than Mr. Matt Jones. If I didn't know better I would think that John worshiped that man. Oh yea, wait, he does. So we now have a cat that will forever remind John of the wonderful times with Matt Jones as an Arkansas Razorback. Here's to the cat!!! (and Matt Jones I guess)

Arkansas 38 Alabama 35

Once again I fall under the curse of picking with my heart and not my head. The boys in Las Vegas seem to think that Bama will win by at lesat 2 touchdowns. Which, you would think I would be all over,(if I was a betting man) but I would not touch it with a 10 foot poll given our teams Jr. High defense. However, due to circumstances out of my control I can not force myself to predict anything other than a Hog victory, even in spite of the past two pitiful performances. I am now thoroughly convinvced that there are numerous high school teams that could score on Arkansas's defense with ease. Thus I believe Brodie Croyle will light us up for a good 450+ yards and at least 3 TD's. That is assuming he does not injure himself on the way to the game. Once the game starts there will be no threat of injury since under no circumstances does Arkansas have the ability to knock down a quareterback, or God forbid sack one. Still in spite of all this I am counting on Houston, Felix, MCfadden, R. Johnson, Monk, and company to realize they have to put up a ton of points. Which I am sure they will and glory and expectations of an sec championship will return. WOOO PIG SOOOOOIE!!!
A weekend of nothing but FOOTBALL

Saturday, we made a quick run to Wal-mart, then John grilled hamburgers, and we watched college football ALL day!! Both Tennessee and Arkansas lost, but at least the TN vs. FL game was a good one.
Sunday we went to some friends house to watch nothing else but MORE FOOTBALL. We made a quick trip to Ted Drewes on the way home and then chilled for the rest of the night.
Now it is Monday and back to work. Why do the weekends have to go by so fast?
Update from Kabul
Well, I just received some more pictures from Jeremy and Rachel in Afghanistan. School started last week and they have both been busy.
Jeremy has even be a sub for the history teacher one day.
Remember to keep them in your prayers as they begin to build
relationships with the people in Kabul.
This is the school where Rachel teaches music and Jeremy works.
Rachel teaching class.

Jeremy and the Cook!
Arkansas 28 USC 24

Okay so I know everyone thinks this is crazy but listen to my logic. First Instead of looking at the last game like We are so horrible even Vanderbilt beat us, I see it as even horrible VANDY can pull an upset on the road. College football is a crazy game so if Vandy can do it why not Arkansas. 2nd, I don't think USC is as dominant as everyone does just because the demolished OK in the orange bowl last year. Everyone seems to forget they had several close games last year against inferior opponents like Stanford and UCLA that were not decided until late in the 4th quarter. 3rd The only area that could possibly considered a weakness is there defensive line which just so happens to match perfectly with the only area that Arkansas seems to be any good at, Running the ball. SO if Arkansas can run the ball keep the clock moving you never know. Stranger things have happened, Just look at last weekend. WOOOOO PIG SOOOIE HOGALLEUJAH!!!!!
Vandy @ Arkansas
So this was not the weekend for John to be in Nashville with my family. Dad and my brother, Matt, are both big Vandy fans and got to rub it in a lot that Arkansas lost. After John and Matt Price said the final score would be 40-3 Arkansas. Way to jinx them! Sorry John. So I had to post something b/c my dad asked me to and it is fun to pick on the hog fans. Plus it is cool that Vandy is actually 2-0 for the first time in like 20 years or something crazy like that.
more pics from the weekend
What a great time we had with Amy Alder. I was wonderful to see you!! Miss you!
Alder, John & Me at the Sound's Slugger Club.....
This is outside my brother's house in Nashville. We were at a college party....what dorks are we.
Busch Stadium

John & I during the game.
Kacie's Shower
I was in Nashville this past weekend to give my cousin, Kacie, a bridal tea. It was so much fun and a great success. The wedding is just around the corner in October. I can't believe that she is getting married. Enjoy the pictures!
The Hostesses
"Mom please don't poke me with that pin."

Kacie & Grandmothers


This is the cat that has adopted us kind of. He showed up at our door Monday night and has been around ever since. We have made posters and will post them around the neighborhood to see if the owner calls, but if not...we now have a cat. He is very well behaved and pretty. We will keep you posted on what happens. : ) If you ask me I think John has already gotten a little attached to him.
Kacie & Justin

Robus Family Time

We were able to go to Little Rock this weekend to visit John's Parents and Grandparents. We had a great time. John and his dad went fishing Saturday while the rest of us went shopping. Elaine and I always seem to be able to do great at shopping. Overall we really enjoyed our weekend with the family.

The 1st Annual Labor Day Horseshoe Tourney!!!
We were able to go to Karl and Kat's new house this weekend. We were excited because it was the first time we got to see the pad. So Mike and Audra came over and you can see the rest. We played horseshoes into the wee hours of the morning after the guys finally returned from Wal-Mart with the great clearance buy!! 

John's ringer to knock Karl out of the tourney.
Why the guys thought they needed to be able to put the horseshoe around their necks I do not know.

And the winner is MIKE!!!

Football correction
The fantasy league has been moved to Yahoo. the title is still SEC Domination and the password is robus. The league id# is 607584. The draft is automatic as they had no live draft slots left before the season started. Anyways come join bring others and have fun. GET WHOOPED!!!! AND Even though Leslie thought it was mean and rude Fantasy Football is still for men no girls allowed.

Are You Ready For Some Football!!!!!!!!
What a great time of year College Football, and of course our favorite activity (besides tailgating) FANTASY FOOTBALL!!!! All of those who read this blog who think they stand a chance against me can come join the league that I created. It is a public league on ESPN. So you will probably want to join before it fills up. The league title is SEC Domination. Come and sign up the draft is Wednesday at 8:45 Central time. Hope everyone has a great weekend of watching and listening to football. GO HOGS!! Oh and invite any friends you have who might want to play. Ty you better play and you better get greg and ross to as well. One very important rule is No Girls. Fantasy football is for men only.
Long Weekend....
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