This week has been a little crazy at work and I just haven't had time to post. I hate that. It seems as though the blogosphere helps me to keep my sanity while at work. It provides entertainment, laughter, and a means of escape!!! :-)
So, this weekend we were in Nashville.
Saturday afternoon we met my grandparents for lunch. Which by the way they are leaving for Texas today! Have a great trip Nana and Pa.
Then Sat. night was the couples shower for my cousin, Kacie, and her husband, Justin. Little Elijah Wade will be here soon!!! We had a good time and got to see some family. (see Pics below)
Then later we met up with other cousins, Molly and Megan, to get desert! Good to see you two. COME VISIT US SOON!!!!!
Sunday we went to Granny and Papa's to swim for a little while and then headed home.
Agenda for this weekend: NOTHING !!!! We haven't done that in a very very long time.