I got roses and they are pink!!!
So we did nothing for our anniversary yesterday b/c we were so tired from this weekend (see the rest of the post). John actually grilled steaks then we made smores over the grill. They weren't as good as they would have been on a campfire but we still enjoyed them. That was pretty much our night. Tonight John is off to do some more painting and I have meeting to go to. Fun stuff!!

SO...this past weekend. First of all Friday we closed on our condo. So, now you can say we are home owners!! Then.....WE PAINTED AND PAINTED AND PAINTED. Luckily we had my parents up to help us. It was wonderful to have help. We would have never gotten done what we did. Here are some before and during pictures. I will post some after pictures in a few days. We won't officially move until JULY 22. If anyone would like to help please feel free!!!

yea! it looks good... i can't wait to see it in person! =)
happy anni... i can't really believe it's been that long... time is flying!!
so, since you're painting and all, I'd like the guest room to be a nice, pretty color for when I come visit. Thanks
Wouldn't it be nice if all of John and Leslie's friends, family and visitors sent them a little gift card to WalMart or wherever for a Housewarming present - then they could fix up a extra bedroom for everybody
Love the colors!
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