So..... Saturday we are taking Jonesy (the cat) to the vet for his shots and whatnot. Apparently pets now get a microchip inserted in them with all of the owner's information. He had one and we found out that he owner lived in our apartments. At this point we figured that the owner had moved and left the cat behind (horrible I know, but this was us trying to be positive). Well turns out the guy still lived here and wanted his cat, Simon, back. (Jonesy was so a better name). This all happened in a matter of hours...the vet appointment was at 12:30 and the dude had his cat back by 4:30. So I had to meet the guy and give Jonesy back to him. He didn't even seem real excited. I wanted to be like..."We have had this cat for 4 months and you never even looked for him", but I held it in. It was awful and we still want him back.
Not the end of the story though, because Sunday we went to the Humane Society and got a new cat! His previous owner had named him Spooky, but we are going to change that. So we are open to suggestions... We have came up with MayDay( John can explain this one, I don't really like it) and JayJay. He spent most of the day yesterday under the bed. Then, all night playing in the living room! We will see what happens today.

Sorry to hear that about Jonesy. I say you do a little "special operations" work to get him back. Two cats is always better than one!
MayDay is in honor of the greatest backcourt in Arkansas basketball history. Todd Day and Lee MAyBerry. I think it is a glorious name. JayJay is for Jonesy Jr. and that Awesome Janitor from Catholic that Claus Loved.
That SUCKS you guys had to give your cat up! He didn't even ask around for it? Dang! And he spent Christmas with you guys... oh the memories!
I like the theory of MayDay... JayJay is an easier cat name... what about Corliss? Or Big Nasty? Nasty for short? Ha, ha.
omigosh. that sucks. i can't believe the guy didn't even CARE! but i am glad you got a new kitty!!
um i am blanking on names right now but i will get back to you as soon as i can.
is that matt and lindsay koss? yea for that!
How about Sidney... now THERE's an "oldy but goody!" MayDay is good, but Super Sid just slides right off the tongue, doesn't it?
You could also consider Balentine, aka Charles, after your fav when you were little! Call him "Bally" for short!
Ok, Robus...since you graciously contributed to my search for a dog name, I will pitch in my 2 cents for a cat name. First, you are braver than I for taking in a black cat. "Satan" is appropriate, as is "Bub" (short for Beelzebub). I agree that "Spooky" is kinda lame. My mom got a new kitten a couple months ago, but its a big fluffy persian/himilayan-looking thing, and she named it "Sophie." However, I think your black cat should be "Toby." If the cat won't answer to that name, you could crack a whip and scream, "Your name is TOBY!" just like in the screen adaptation of one of the great novel 'Roots,' starring none other than Lavar Burton. Come to think of it, you could name the cat "Lavar." What about "Pinkie" for the color of his little butthole in that picture? Also, what about "Corliss"? You could call him "Bootsie" in honor of 'ol Suits 'n Boots himself. I could seriously go on for days. If you must use a name that ya'll have already come up with, I like JayJay, but that spelling looks kinda like a gay hair stylist, so I would go with "J.J." I am sure I will come up with more later.
Sidney is out...Guess who?
There's always Elvis...
I loved that cat Jonesy! I never would've taken him back and would've acted like the vet hadn't told me anything new...
I'm not good with the cat names seeing as how I name my pets after Friends characters...but I do agree with Ty (ouch, that hurt me) and that you should spell it 'J.J.' instead of the JayJay. Good Luck on choosing a name!
Who replaced the real Jonesy as QB?
Robert Johnson? How about Robbie? See the literary parallelism....
Don't think Paw would like a cat named after him
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