Yeah the photo a day thing died quickly! haha

And there was Valentine's Day....we don't usually do much. So this year it was cooking dinner at home. We got some stuffed salmon from Sams. It was very yummy. The stuffing was crab-cake-like. My favorite! Then we went to Chili's for dessert. John also brought Kelsey and me flowers!
Kelsey had her first haircut this week. I probably should have done it a while ago, but every mom knows how time just seems to pass really quickly. are some photos of the haircut and Claudia's house. Claudia is the lady that watches K every day and her daughter Tracy cuts the whole family's hair. She said that she had to be the first one to cut K's hair. So of course we let her. 

We have stayed busy around our house, but it has been on our own terms here lately. We have spent many weekends since Christmas getting our condo ready to put on the market. Finally it is! So now we just have to keep it clean ALL THE TIME! It isn't as hard as I thought it would be actually. So....if anyone knows of someone looking for a 2 bedroom condo....
Last weekend I took Saturday for a day to myself. I had a massage, haircut and mani/pedi. It was a very relaxing day. While I was out and about, John took Kelsey to the Magic H0use. She loves that place and John loves taking her! She also found a new love for cash registers. 
It also snowed here a few days ago. Kelsey has not been a fan of the snow in the past but for some reason this time she asked to play in it. Of course John and I were more than happy to take her out to play. He tought her to eat it and make snow angels. She had a blast. I can't wait to do it again.