About Me

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I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.


Bad Blogging Lately

This picture makes me smile!

I am falling down on my blogging! I was so good at it for a while and now everything is just crazy and I can't find time to keep everyone posted on what is going on! I don't have my pictures from all of the past events at work either. So you just get a list for now. List of latest happenings:

1. We got a new laptop!!! YEA for us b/c our other one was a hand-me-down that needed to be replaced pretty bad. We got an HP for those of you who care and are still getting used to it.

2. My family was here last weekend (and my brother's gfriend) to watch my brother play baseball. Yes there are plenty of pictures (of him playing - somehow I managed to not take any of the family together). I will post some later.

3. This weekend it is off to Nashville/Hendersonville to see friends and family! We are going to see Jeremy & Rachel who live in Afghanistan before they head back. Which brings me to #4.

4. Babies Babies everywhere!!! Jeremy and Rachel are expecting.....TWINS!!! That is right - they are due in March. Also, a good high school friend, Jennifer "Forsyth" Jones is expecting her 2nd also due in March.

Jeremy & Rachel - somewhere far away.

Jennifer, Seth and Jacob - another one on the way!!!

5. We are busy busy until the end of the year. So, if you want to see us tell us now b/c there are only 7 weekends open between now and 2008 people!

6. Work = busy. But I like it that way! In fact we are having a great quarter!

7. We went to the Cards/Cubs game on Wednesday. The Cards lost. Why couldn't we have gone last night when they won 11-1????

8. We have 7 more Cards games to go to. That is almost 1 every week until the end of the season! Why can't they be good this year when we have all these tickets???

9. Anyone have ideas on cute wedding shower ideas?? I am giving possibly two of them?

10. We are going to Evansville on Sunday to watch Matthew play baseball again! I love have a professional baseball player for a brother! Alot of the family is going too...I will take pics of not only Matt playing but the family as well!

11. I got a new dining room table! It is great. I need to take a picture of it. I LOVE IT!!

12. We are going to CANCUN in 7 weeks. HURRY UP!!!

13. We are headed to Little Rock in a few weeks to see Claus and party at the Hills' house!

14. Someone needs to lend me the Harry Potter books so that I can read them.

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