The First Dance

The Wive's Club

***stupid blogger won't let me post any more pictures***

John's Parents before the game
John and his Dad
This was our view
Next, we had our first party at our condo this weekend. A great time was had by all. I didn't take many pics and it won't even let me add the one that I have. Boo on blogger!!
I guess that is about it...oh yeah...the big news.
1. Alder stalks me through MySpace to find my secrets.
2. Some of you think we are adding to our family - not happening anytime soon.
3. Others think it is b/c my hometown was on Extreme Home Makeover - which it was, but it wasn't my church they were in. Although I even thought it was at first (honestly my church was even bigger than that).
So----what is it....
I got a new JOB!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!
I am very excited. October 20th will be my last day with Morgan Stanley and I will start my new job with Scottrade on October 30th. I will be providing admin support for the entire IT department along with managing the corporate calendar and doing some event planning. I am more excited about the event planning part than anything!!! Watch out Scottrade b/c here I come!!!