About Me

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I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.


Life is So NOT FAIR!!!!!

Mike Whaley, (whom many of you know) informed me yesterday that his company Christmas party is being held at this lovely locale. The VENETIAN in VEGAS!!!! They are flying everyone including significant others and paying for everything except gambling. That is ridiculous, and in case you are wondering they are not hiring and Mike already has a significant other to go with him. Anybody ever got any cool freebies from work before like this? I got a hat from a broker here. Woo Hoo!!! (now you are on the blog Mike!)


Susan said...

Where in the world does he work? That's awesomely amazing. I'm jealous. We're going to my boss' house, which is in Chenal, but STILL.......

Elizabeth Spann said...

Mike sucks. Ha, ha. I went to Memphis for free! Big whoopin' deal.

brooke knight said...

lame sauce. i got a $25 gift cert to the olive garden last year...because we tried to have a party the year before and NO ONE wanted to come..hahahaha...AND i am getting screwed out of my bonus this year too! yaaaaaaay! (why the EFF did i get an art degree?)

Leah Billings said...

When I was doing design work for Stephens I had a pretty cool set up. They would fly me around on private company jets to our various branch offices (NYC, St. Petersburg, FL; Atlanta; Houston; etc.). I also got to eat at some pretty fabulous restaurants on these trips (spending $150 to $200 on a meal was the norm)and felt pretty cool when I charged the bill to my corporate AMEX card. These are some of the few things that I miss.

Anonymous said...

I want a job like that. Actually today I don't want a job at all. Can I quit like Kat? ;-)

Elizabeth Spann said...

Although... I'm not going to lie. Christmas is pretty sweet here. I come home with a BOX full of presents. Some crap, some awesome. I get gift certificates and scarves, lots of food, coffee mugs. It's pretty sweet. Last year a student gave me a Buffy figurine cause he knew I'm obsessed. Nice kids!