About Me

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I am a mother of two great and very different little girls and a wife of a great man. We try to live our lives to glorify God. Hendersonville, TN (just north of Nashville)is where we call home. John and I both love SEC football...just two different teams. Baseball is my favorite, especially the St. Louis Cardinals. We both cherish those close to us and strive to love God to our best ability daily.


Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope that everyone has a great TURKEY DAY! Be careful traveling and don't eat too much.


katandkarl said...

happy turkey love robus family!

Anonymous said...

Greg wanted me to ask if the cat in that picture is the infamous "Prince." I have no idea why, but he wanted me to ask.

Susan said...

Too late. I already ate too much. I now have to re-train my stomach so it doesn't think it has to be filled to capacity every 4 hours. Ugghh!

Leslie Robus said...

Tell the Gregster that ths is not the infamous "Prince." A of all Prince would not stand to be dressed up all in this cutesy outfit, and B of all He would refuse to cuddle up with a dog. He is a straight killa!!!